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Insect Lab

Insect Identification Laboratory
Homeowners and farmers can submit insect samples for identification by bringing a well-preserved, dead insect sample to the Suffolk  Extension Office. Bring sample in a zip lock plastic bag. Master Gardener volunteers or Extension Agents will try to identify and make a recommendation if insect is a pest. If we are not able to identify, we will mail your insect sample to the Insect ID lab at Virginia Tech. You should have an answer in about 10-days.

Picture of PlantDisease

Plant Disease Laboratory
Homeowners and farmers can submit plant samples for disease identification by bringing a plant sample with root intact in a ziplock bag with one pint of moist soil to the Suffolk Extension Office. If Extension Agents or Master Gardeners are not available or able to identify disease, we will mail to the Plant Disease Laboratory at Virginia Tech or submit the sample virtually. You should have an answer in about 10-days. There is a $35 fee associated with sending in these samples.

Weed Identification Laboratory
Homeowners and farmers can submit weed samples for identification by bringing freshly dug weed with root wrapped in a moist paper towel inside a ziplock bag to the Suffolk Extension Office. If Extension Agents or Master Gardeners are not available or able to identify weed, we will mail to the Weed ID Laboratory at Virginia Tech. You should have an answer in about 10-days.

Soil Testing
Homeowners and farmers can submit soil samples to the Soil Testing Laboratory at Virginia Tech by picking up soil sample boxes at the Suffolk Extension Office. We will provide you with the application form and instructions for taking the soil sample and mailing to the lab. A report will be mailed to you from the Soil Testing Lab with recommendations for the plant/crop you plan to grow. Soil samples generally take two weeks to receive a report back via email.

Forage Nutritional and Mold Analysis
Forage producers and livestock and horse owners may submit hay or silage samples for nutritional analysis or mold counts. We recommend using Cumberland Valley Analytical Services, Inc. in Hagerstown, MD. The lab charges a reasonable fee for this service. In certain case the forage test can be done with the extension agent on a case by case bases.

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Forage Samples for Endophyte and Fungus Determination
Livestock and horse owners may submit hay samples for determining levels of endophyte fungus in fescue samples. Brood mares in their last trimester of pregnancy are at most risk for this endophyte fungus. We recommend using the School of Veterinary Medicine at University of Missouri or Auburn Fescue Laboratory at Auburn University. These labs run analysis for the ergovaline toxin produced by the endophyte fungus. The endophyte does not always produce a toxic concentration of the toxin.  Contact Suffolk Extension Office for details.

Feeds and Grains Toxicology
Livestock owners may submit feed or forage samples to the VA-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine at Virginia Tech. The Toxicology Laboratory has the capability to conduct analyses for heavy metals, minerals (deficiencies and poisonings), Vitamins A and E, pesticides, rodenticides, mycotoxins, nitrate, and cyanide. The majority of samples submitted to the laboratory deal with forage and feed analyses for mycotoxins, nitrate, and cyanide. Mycotoxins are typically not a problem in hay or haylage. Individuals unsure of the appropriateness of a sample should contact the toxicologist before sending the sample (540) 231-4587. A representative sample of at least one pound is adequate for feed and forage tests. A history, including feed type, type of animals, and clinical signs should be submitted with each sample. Sample bags and forms are available at the Suffolk Extension Office.

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On-Farm Variety Testing
Our city has more than 71,000 acres of row crop production, which is comprised of soybeans, cotton, melons, peanuts, vegetables, and potatoes. We are top 10 producers of cotton, peanuts, wheat, soybeans(for beans), and corn (for grain) in terms of acreage.

To keep the farmers in our city current and competitive we have these on farm trails to find out what varieties do well in our fair city. Aside from these trials we do trials with various of crops ranging from bermuda grass to Pensacola bahiagrass.

Picture of PesticideContainers

Private Pesticide Applicator  Certification & Recertification
The Private Pesticide Applicator Certification can be obtained by studying the core Virginia pesticide manual and then coming in to the extension office and taking the test. We host recertification classes every year in the winter.

Peanut Pod Blasting Clinics
We conduct peanut pod blasting clinics to determine optimum harvest timing for peanuts in order to maximize yields. These are held locally at various agri-chemical retailers.


Picture of MasterGardeners

Master Gardeners Program

State Website | Local Chapter Website | Facebook

The Suffolk Master Gardeners Association (SMGA), a registered non-profit led by an elected board of officers, is an organization of volunteers who work with the staff of Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) to encourage and promote environmentally sound gardening practices. SMGA members must complete over 60 hours of training and 60 hours of volunteer work as interns to become certified by VCE as Master Gardeners. Additional volunteer work and continuing education are required to maintain certification.

All residents of The City of Suffolk are eligible to enroll in the Master Gardener Volunteer Training. This is an internationally recognized program of horticultural excellence. Trainees receive about 70 hours of hands-on and classroom education from Extension agents and specialists, university faculty, green industry professionals, and City of Suffolk parks and recreation administrators. Newly graduated Master Gardener Interns then receive the remainder of their 120 hours of training working on class projects, demonstration gardens, Horticulture Help Desk, plant clinics, and community special events. After completing these additional training/service hours, Interns become Certified Master Gardeners.

If you wish to receive information on upcoming training classes, volunteer opportunities, or would like general information about the Suffolk Master Gardener Program, please feel free to contact our Master Gardener Coordinator, Mrs Wanda Gerard at 757-514-4335. 

Picture of the Community Gardens

Community Gardens and Learning Gardens
In the City of Suffolk we have two learning gardens at Mack Benn Jr. Elementary and John F. Kennedy Middle School which bridges the gap between what children see growing in the ground and what they see on their plate. We also have one demonstration/community garden at the East Suffolk Recreation Center.

Healthy families are the cornerstone of healthy communities. Family and Consumer Sciences puts research-based information to work in people’s lives, helping families find answers for living well, raising youth, eating right, and spending smart.

The Suffolk Extension Office is without the services of a Family and Consumer Sciences Agent on-site; however, there are FCS Agents in the surrounding cities of Chesapeake, Portsmouth, and Virginia Beach.  

Chesapeake Extension Office: 757-382-6348

Portsmouth Extension Office: 757-393-5197

Virginia Beach Extension Office: 757-385-4769

The following publications are available online at

  • Financial Management: Family Taking Charge of Finances Series: #354-099
  • Talking With Creditors: #354-102
  • Getting Out of Debt: #354-027
  • Food Cents: #348-006
  • Be Heart Smart: #348-735
  • Know Your Cholesterol Number: #348-018
  • Food Storage Times for the Home: #348-682
  • Outdoor Food Preparation & Safety: #348-016
  • Keep Food Safe: #348-593
  • Family & Human Development: A Matter of Principles: #350-053
  • Nourishing Children with Books: #348-950
  • Emergencies: Are You Prepared” Your Personal Checklist of Important Document: #354-141

The 4-H Youth Development Program is a community of youth ages 5-18 across America, who are learning leadership, citizenship, and life skills.  The mission of the 4-H Youth Development Program is to develop youth and adults by working together to help youth realize their full potential. This is accomplished by enabling youth to become effective, contributing citizens of society through participation in research-based, non-formal, hands-on educational experiences.

Engaging with Communities

Virginia Cooperative Extension specialists in community viability work with Extension agents, campus-based faculty, organizational partners, communities, and individuals to further opportunity and build capacity in five program areas:   

Examples of our work include training county elected officials, educating entrepreneurs, facilitating collaborative projects, supporting the growth of community food systems and local economies, enhancing agent skills and community capacity in facilitation and leadership, conducting problem-driven research, and creating publications and tools that address critical community needs.

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